Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bucky Elvis Duet

I interviewed Bucky Covington April 5th of 2007. During the interview I asked him about Duets he might like to do.

Bucky - Umm that's tuff. I don't know. Kid Rock would be cool. Elvis (laughs)

CW - That might be tuff. (Laughing)

Bucky - Yea, With today's technology it could happen.(laughs) That's a tuff one though. I'm not sure. Too many people on the list really.

So then he Dayton Ohio I heard Bucky sings Elvis's Suspicious Minds and loved it. Remembering his answer to my question I decided i would try and use my amateur technology and create a Bucky Elvis Duet. July 5th in Hillsboro I gave Bucky a DVD of it. So if yu haven't saw Bucky and Elvis here it is

Check out this video: Bucky and Elvis Duet

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