Sunday, July 19, 2009

Search Engines work strangely but cool to

I have been surfing the internet today for music news about Michael Jackson and any updated info about Taylor Hicks. So my search engine had his name in the search bar. My husband asked me to get some auto insurance quote and I just typed it in without noticing I had not deleted Taylor’s name. SO my search ended up being for Taylor Hicks auto insurance quotes.

This search query brought up Ford Signs American Idol Winner Taylor Hicks For National Advertising ... full Auto News article at Motor Trend: Ford Signs American Idol Winner Taylor Hicks For National ... Insurance Price Check. The link takes you here

All you see is small picture of Taylor over top their other stuff, you then click the picture and see this picture.

No specific reason I am sharing this information except that I thought it was pretty cool. It is amazing what can be typed into a search engine and what information will show up.